You best chance of meeting an affair partner online is to send a first email that gets her hooked from the very beginning. You need to be able to strike the perfect balance between being a gentleman and being aggressive. It may seem difficult, but with our affair advice, you should be able to do it easily. Being a douche or a pervert will not get her to reply to your message, so don’t talk about the nasty things you want to do to her. By all means don’t talk about your member or your prowess in bed. Keep it clean and aggressive, and you will get the girl without breaking a sweat.

What You Need To Achieve
Before getting down to writing the first email, you need to have some goals in mind. Propositioning her immediately will make you come off as a creep, and will not win you any sexual favours as it were. Instead, you need to be cool about it, and let her to get to know you a little first. Before she knows you, she will not agree to a meeting. You would be surprised at the sheer number of creeps there are online.
The first priority of the all important first email is to get her to reply to your messages. Secondly, you not only need to get a reply, but a positive one. Third, you need to get her to show you some kind of interest in hooking-up. You also need her to reply as soon as possible (read showing interest) and lastly, and this is a bonus, give you her number.
The trick to sending the first email is to aim at achieving all these things with every single woman that you talk to. Again, this is a numbers game, so not every email will go your way. If you talk to as many women as possible, you will be playing the numbers to your favour!
How To Write The First Email
The most important thing when it comes down to it is getting her to open your email in the first place. The only way that you can guarantee this is by using a subject line that is catchy. The introduction also has to be interesting enough to get her to read the entire email and see what you are all about.
A question at the end will give her a reason to reply to your email, as well as give her something to talk about when she does reply. Avoid being vulgar or giving graphic sexual details, these will not work. Try to be humorous and let your personality come through by being friendly.
By all means avoid talking about your sex life on UK cheating websites. Everyone is having a terrible time with their partner which is why they are on the site in the first place, so there is no need to bring it up.
Another important thing about sending the first email is to keep it to just the right length. If it’s too long, she will not read it to the end. If the email is too short, it shows that you are disinterested. Try keeping it to about 125 words or less. Most importantly, personalize each message, and mention something about her from her profile so that she knows that you actually looked at her profile, and that you are not sending canned messages.
First Email Example That Works Great
Subject: Don’t reply to this email, you won’t be the first!
Message: I’m just joking; I was hoping to get your attention there. You are actually the first one I have contacted on this site. I love your profile and just had to contact you. It seems we are both looking for the same thing, sex and a little connection to go with that. I’m definitely looking for something discreet with someone that I have a physical as well as mental connection with. I’d like to get to know you a little more; maybe I could get your IM screen name? It would definitely be easier to chat than on this site!