There are plenty of women to talk to on online cheating websites, which is why you don’t want to be wasting your time with women that won’t meet up with you or commit to a casual sex relationship. Although most women on these sites are actually willing to hook up and start having sex immediately, not all are willing to go all the way for one reason or the other.

Check Her Profile
This is probably the easiest way to tell women that are DTF online. By simply looking at their profile, you can easily tell how serious they are about hooking up for an affair in the UK. The first sign that the woman is serious is by how she fills out her profile.
Serious affair partners will fill out the profile to completion. They will fill in all the details, and specifically talk about what exactly they are looking for in an affair partner. Their personality also comes through in their profile, and they seem ‘real’.
Another good sign that a woman is ready to have an affair and is willing to hook up soon is by looking at their activity online. check when they signed up to the site, as well as their most recent log-in. Most cheating sites will usually have this information easily accessible, at least the sites we recommend for online cheating do. If she regularly signs up to the site, and has been a member on the site for a while, it is a good sign that she is interested in meeting someone for an affair in the UK. If she is highly active online, you have a good chance of getting laid!
Check Emails And IM’s
This is an even better way of telling women that are likely to hook-up easily. It is really common sense, but is worth mentioning all the same. You can tell from the emails and chats that she sends you whether or not she is interested in having an affair in the UK.
If she sends lengthy emails, wants to find out about you, and actually talks about meeting up for dates, then you are in the clear. She is interested in you, and you only need to take the initiative to get the ball rolling. If on the other hand she takes days to respond to your email and doesn’t really say anything, then it might be time to look for another affair partner online.
The same applies to IM. If she is quick to reply to your instant messages, then that’s definitely a good sign. Other signs include if she often (or not so often) complements you about your looks, interests, sense of humour and so on, then she definitely wants the D!
It can however be hard to tell whether a woman is disinterested or she is simply just shy. The best way to find out is to be funny and charming. If she responds positively, then you are good to go, if not, look for someone else as there is a good chance you could be wasting your time here.